Thursday, September 6, 2007

Here is our Family
These pictures were taken by Carma Umpleby, my sister in law(see her webpage at


Aunt Amber said...

This is so sweet! You have to teach me how to be creative. Awe!

Heather said...

Nice job Jamie! It looks great! Love the pictures!!

Carma said...

Blogging is so much fun. I'm glad you joined! If you have any questions about blogging I might be able to answer them for you (I'm still new to it too, but I've played around with mine quite a bit!) Love you!

Jamie Dunaway said...

carma- would be great i can use all the help you can offer- love you too.

Carma said...

Oh, the webpage is and it's still under construction, so the links don't work. Sorry.